Sunday, September 25, 2011

Journal 8.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill
This quote means people who think about something positively can find every opportunity in every difficulty situation, but people who think about something negatively find the difficulty in every opportunity.
I agree with it because if I think some situations negatively, it always makes me nothing to do, so I always try to have good thinkings in my life. However, it is so difficult for me to make positive thinking. I don't know why. These days, I am so pessimistic because I don't pass the TOEFL yet. Taking TOEFL always makes me negatively. But since today, I want to change my thinking from pessimistic to optimistic. I can do it!!!


  1. Be brave, you can do it!! Aja Fighting (I think this expression comes from Full House-Korean drama)^^!!

  2. yessssssssssssssss. Read and comment my post, you will more optimistic

  3. I also need to pass the TOFEL, LET'S go ahead together. Fighting!

  4. At last,I can post a comment......gosh
