Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Final Journal.

This semester was so excited to me because I met a lot of good classmates and teachers. I learned a lot of things in composition class because Sean always gave a lot of homeworks. hahaha. But it was not bad becuase I had many chances to write essays even though sometimes it bothered me. And I still do hard work in TOEFL. I hope to pass it in this month.
Hey, evey classmate, you are such a good friends to me. I think I will really miss you, guys. Please contact with me on Facebook. And Contratulation to do well on your semester!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Baraka Film.

- Indonesia Bali’s traditional acting or playing.
A lot of people divided two groups and do acting together or separately. It looks
like asking and answering or fighting. In addition, every people was men, they
did not have women. They wore traditional clothes, and did acting around

- It was first time to see Bali’s
traditional play for me from media. Moreover, it was the first scene that did
not use background music in this movie. They input original sounds in this
scene, so it was standing out to me.

- I did not feel good or bad feeling, but I
felt wired feeling because I could not understand what they want to say and act.
And their facial expressions were so scary to me.

- Japanese subway stations’ scenes.
This scene made me think about my daily
life in Korea. In Korea, I always used subway, so I slept in the subway. Sometimes,
I miss hectic life because American life is sometimes allowed me to live looser
life than Korea.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Journal 15.

Dear. Father and Mother
I really want to buy a new laptop because I need it for doing some work. I know you do not agree to buy it because 2 years ago, I bought a laptop that was so expensive. So, you thought I do not need to buy a new laptop. However, mom and dad, it is not good for my music work because they do not provide a program that school uses in classes. Every student use Mac computures, so I also need it for doing good jobs in classes. In addition, these days, Apple store does the sale every product because of Black Friday. It is a good chance to buy it cheaper than other days. I want to get a good grade in every class, so I really need it. Please allow to buy it. I love you so much.

Journal 14.

Weintraub, Karen. (2011, Nov 28). Music theray can help retrain an injured brain. USA TODAY. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

Carey Gordon uses music for beating stress (par.1). He found a fact in 2004 that music helps to return his work and made him to have his upbeat attitude in his life (par.3). He said, "It was music that got me into that jolly fun-loving (mood again). And it helped me to help other people change their mood as well." (par.4). Music therapy is popular to use for treatment brain injury or other problmes (par.5). Music rhythms can control human bodies' movements (par.6). Therefore, a lot of institutions do experiments about it for finding more benefits to people who are injury.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Journal 13.

Kelly, O. (2011, October 30). Pet lovers, pathologized. The New York Times.

In this article Kelly argues people have to understand animals for living together by friends and family. She said a lot of people depend on animals in every area such as life companions, medication, and so on (par. 8). Some people are seriously depends on animals, so they are seen
as a bit crazy (par.2). In addition, some celebrities enjoy hunting animals for showing their power to citizens (par. 3). She argues we cannot use animals just for satisfying our feeling or life because animals also have emotions and volitions. If we use animals for our satisfying, it just becomes to bother them (par. 9).

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Research Day.

(1) Film Music: A Very Short Introduction

Kalinak, K. (2010). Film Music: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.

This book was written by Kathryn Marie Kalinak. The reason why I choose this book is that this book includes a lot of information what I want to use. This book provides film music information shortly but it includes everything about film music such as history, role, reason why use, and way to use. I will find information what does film music do?, how does film music work?, Why does film music work? from this book.

(2) Film music

Larsen, P. , & Irons, J. (2007). Film Music. London: Reaktion.
This book was written by Peter Larsen. The reason why I choose this book is that this book's topic is related my topic. This book explains histoy, analyse, theory about film music. I will find information what kind of music was used on film by analyse and what timing they used music.

(3) Film Music: A Summary of the Characteristic Features of Its History, Aesthetics, Technique; and Possible Developments

London, K. , & Bensinger, E. (1936). Film Music: A Summary of the Characteristic Features of Its History, Aesthetics, Technique; and Possible Developments. London: Faber & Faber ltd.

This book was written by Kurt London. The reason why I choose this book is that this book includes some parts what I need to use on my research paper. This book explains characteristic features about film music. I want to use technique parts. What thchnique usually uses on film?


Film view (Some Dialogue, Like, Cheapens The Language Ya Know?)

Canby, V. (1979). Film view. New York Times (1923-Current File), D23.

This article(Journal) was written by Vincent Canby . The reason why I choose this article is that I felt interest about article abstract. And I found some information what I need to use on my research paper. This article is review about movie, so she did analyze a movis inside the article. I want to use her answer about these questions: "should movies talk?," "should stoundtracks sing?", because these are general questions people have.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal. 12

Kalina, P. (2010, December 2). The sounds that made the movies. The Age. p. 22.
Paul Kalina who wrote this book gives exmples more than 400 filmes that anaylized by composers and ABC broadcasters in the book. I think it really helps me to get information about a soundtrack part of my research paper. He gives detail information how a composer use music or sound inside a movie. I want to know how music or sound is used differecntly in each movie and how can affect these things inside movies.